August 14, 2009

Pantry Party Anyone?

Hello All! Sorry for the long delay between posts. I'm rather frantically getting the details taken care of for the two Classical Conversations programs I will run this fall. I think I have everything sorted out, and low and's that 4 am wake up call again. Yikes....I almost forgot to fill in the blank. I will schedule posting into my fall schedule.....really. It's on my To Do list.

Now on to the topic.......What is a Pantry Party? Is this something you simply MUST attend? THE social event of the year?

Simply put, I had a wonderful time during triple coupon week at the local Harris Teeter. The cupboards are full, the freezer is full....and I just want to order everyone pizza and curl up with a good book. (but that would defeat the purpose of the time spent diligently cutting coupons and making careful grocery lists) Even fully stocked, I am completely uninspired.

SO, for the next 2 weeks...I challenge myself not to go to the grocery store. Some of you may say, "Well, 2 weeks, no big thing."

You obviously do not have a teen dancer, a 12 year old "man-child" preparing to grow another 6 inches very soon, a 9 year old in a growth spurt, a 6 year old and a hubby who, ahem, likes to eat good food daily. I still don't know why they all have to eat EVERY day. Good grief.

Since I need inspiration and I enjoy a good challenge, I am making a 3 colum list. Headings are: Meat/Fish; Starch; Veggie; I will go through each and every cabinet and both Fridge/Freezers Once I have my list I will put together meals using only what I have in the house. I've done this before, but thought it would be more fun to see if anyone wants to join me. It can get pretty interesting toward the end of the time period. (you set your own)

Going to make my list now.......more later.....