February 19, 2012

Beautiful Women

I never fully experienced the beauty of the body of Christ until the last two years. I didn't let anyone in before. I felt damaged and deficient,for reasons I haven't yet disclosed. I still do. But women who love me have cared for me in so many ways when I literally couldn't manage alone. With no hesitation, no judgement.

I almost said countless ways, but to be accurate, I can count them. Most of them. Their acts of selfless love stand out in my mind and their stories merge with mine on the pages of my journals. You ladies know who you are.I hesitate to use your names on my blog without your permission.

Except Tory. I know Tory won't mind. She is the sister I never had...until I did...in her.

The precious gift of your willing hearts and open hands has changed me in ways I am only now beginning to realize.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Yes! I am! You are the twin I had to wait years to find and I'm so glad I finally found you! You can complete my sentences, know all my uglies, and love me anyway. You speak truth into my life (call me down a lot!) and I am blessed to be part of your life, your family, your journey and your transformation. I love you my sweet, sweet sister! And I am so so so so proud of you! BFFT!
