April 30, 2010

Community Garden, A Boy's Paradise

Here is my friend's property. It is a beautiful farm! Our garden is shown in some of the pictures. R.H. has goats, chickens, guineas(the birds) and a great owl! I spend at least one day a week here working in the garden with the boys and then hanging out with R while the boys play. Love it! The house was built in 1858 and was originally the local post office and home of the postmaster. So awesome inside! The buckets and jugs of water go from my home to the garden since we haven't seen much rain as of late. We do have blue rain barrels ready for the next downpour. Praying to see a good soaking rain soon!

1 comment:

  1. So do you have so foreign Asian language turned on or am I just seeing things?! Hope G has warmed up to the whole helping with the garden thing! Praying for rain along with you.
