April 20, 2010

Sugar Doll Award

Okay, Alleyn, you got me. My first post in months. Hopfully the new beginning of my blog!
I am to list 7 things about myself and then pass this award along to 7 other blogger ladies!

1. I love words. I like to look up words in a thesaurus and think of sentences.

2. I want to be a memory-keeper, but I am hopelessly behind. I have a scrapbook for each child, for our homeschool and a general one for the family. When all the children are grown, I will work on them. Or, in the southern tradition, "I'll think about that tomorrow." ~Scarlett O'Hara.

3. I am taking the next course toward my certification as an NILD Educational Therapist. Pre-course work now consists of lots of reading and writing response papers, recording a therapy session with one of my students and doing a self-critique and then off the Pennsylvania for the last two weeks of June.

4. I read most books in about two days. (I'm not much on sleeping :-)

5. I love to write! I do not like to type what I write. I fill up journals and just today almost had a panic attack when my pen ran out of ink! Seriously!

6. I play the violin.

7. I like to eat cucumber slices with hummus for breakfast.


  1. Me too on number #4. Glad you are back on to blogging and that sugar doll award spurred you on!

  2. kate...wow, i didn't know there were so many mom bloggers at COR! super cool. love your list and now know a little more about you. glad my sis spurred you on to blogging again! off to read the other COR mom blogs.

  3. #1 is cool. And I'd love to hear you play the violin sometime!
